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Low Brow

1-8 mixed media on paper 12"x12", 9-10 mixed media on paper framed, 11-14 mixed media on canvas, 15 mixed media on paper framed, 16-19 mixed media on canvas framed, 20-32 mixed media on panel framed  

1. 'Stare', 2. 'Sky' 3. 'Eye' 4. 'Barb-B' 5. 'Party' 6. 'Home' 7. 'Beach' 8. 'Love', 9. 'Sister'  10. 'Island', 11. 'Cherry Pie' 12"x12", 12. 'Tomato' 8"x10", 13. 'Banana' 14"x18", 14. 'Twins' 16"x20", 15. 'Show Me' 22"x12", 16. 'Island Girl' 14"x17", 17. 'On The Town' 18"x20", 18. 'Blue Sky' 20"x24",  19. 'Two In One' 19"x23",  20. 'Queen For The Day' 13"x13", 21. 'B-Bop Rasta' 9 1/2"x11 1/2", 22. 'Mona' 14"x17", 23. 'I Think' 16"x13", 24. '2-X' 15"x19", 25. 'Girls' 21"x17", 26. 'Future' 17"x22", 27. 'Sonoma' 27"x16",  28. 'Elektra' 21"x25", 29. 'Shop' 27 1/2"x34", 30. 'Red & Orange' 38"x32",  31. 'Cross' 24"x36", 32. 'Pioneers' 30"x26"